

As many of you know, Ricky lost his best friend Clover and girlfriend Revlon within days of each other. Life has just not been the same without the trio always standing next to each other. Ricky has been 'okay' and seeking comfort and companionship with the other sanctuary horses. But he really would like another girlfriend. For the past 2 weeks, we have been quietly looking and wishing for an older Arabian, similar in size, color and sweet temperament as Ricky.

Basically, looking for another 'unicorn'... Guess what?! WE FOUND HER & SHE IS COMING HOME BY MONDAY!

Chloe is an 18 year old flea bitten grey (white with speckles) Arabian who was abandoned last Fall. She has been in rehabilitation and training and recently was transferred to Arabian Horse Rescue & Education, Inc in Oregon.

Her name is 'Cleopatra' but we're going to call her 'Chloe', as a remembrance to Clover. She also has an arthritic front left knee (not as bad) just like Revlon. And if you didn't know, this rescue organization saved Clover at a horse auction 5 years ago. And the founder, Dusty donated funds to save Ricky when he was at a California horse auction about 10 years ago!

So lots of connections ... too many to ignore.



