

  • From: Lodi, California

  • Adopted: 2021


We were heartbroken after Mason's sudden passing. His empty pasture was too painful to look at. We had found a red Holstein bull (Crouton) to rescue, but we also wanted a black and white Holstein that looked like Mason. We found an ad on Craigslist for a 1 year old Holstein/Jersey mix and we picked her up from a traditional cattle ranch in Acampo, CA. She was fearful of people and quite skittish. She had never been brushed and she had been roughly handled. Luckily, her love of all things bread has helped us bond with her.

We named her "Ciabatta", after Mason's love for bread and it suits her perfectly. Within 2 weeks, she knows her name and comes running up to see us. She is still reluctant to let us brush her, but she already knows how to give kisses on command! Ciabatta is so sweet. She has the most soulful eyes and she even has a heart on her forehead.


Masonโ€™s Memorial


Ziggy & Marley