

  • From: Isleton, California

  • Adopted: July 20, 2024


A few weeks ago, a FB post about a dog named Marilyn circulated through the little town of Isleton and into various local Solano County pages. Her owner had been tragically killed in a traffic collision and she was now at the county shelter awaiting a new home.

The original post was shared over 600 times.

There were dozens and dozens of comments on the post. Some people shared their personal experiences with either the owner or Marilyn. There was even a senior dog rescue that was mentioned.

Oh good, I thought to myself, "Someone will get this dog..we don't need to get involved - we have enough on our plate".

There was a flurry of comments and then nothing. No update. No "freedom ride" post from the other rescue organization. Absolutely nothing.

That's because Marilyn was quietly languishing, losing hope, even losing weight and becoming utterly depressed that no one had come for her. Her days of walking off leash by her transient dad's side were gone.

Marilyn was no stranger to the county shelter. She had been there at least a dozen times over the past three years. Each time her dad was arrested or hospitalized, Marilyn was brought back to the shelter. When her dad returned to retrieve Marilyn, the shelter staff graciously paid her impound fees.

Towards the end of 2022, Marilyn's owner relinquished her to the shelter. He wanted her to find a more suitable and stable home. But after 7 months with absolutely no one interested in adopting Marilyn, the shelter reached out to her owner. He had been missing her and since he was in a better mental state, he returned to the shelter and picked up Marilyn.

June 21, 2024 would be the last time that Marilyn's owner would retrieve her from the shelter. Just hours after picking her up, he was struck by a vehicle. Marilyn was right there, but miraculously escaped unscathed.

A CHP officer brought Marilyn back to the shelter. And this time, her dad was not coming back for her because he had been killed in the collision.

To think that she witnessed such a horrible incident brings tears to my eyes.

Despite all of the social media coverage and the pleas for Marilyn to be saved, and a senior dog rescue interested in pulling her.. the universe had other plans for her.

A miscommunication about whether Marilyn's extended family was going to take her in...or not... lead to Marilyn missing the opportunity to be taken in by the other rescue. They no longer had a spot for her and they moved on.

The family allegedly asked the shelter to euthanize Marilyn so that her ashes could be spread with her dad's ashes. The shelter declined their request.

But at what point would it be the most humane thing to do?

No one else inquired about Marilyn. She was there for 4 weeks. She was becoming depressed and had already lost 9 pounds.

The shelter (inaccurately) recommended Marilyn be the only dog in a household, just based on her aloof behavior at the shelter and the quarrels that she had with her sister, years ago when her owner had both girls together.

So tell me this... who wants a 12 year old dog? Who wants a 12 year old dog who (supposedly) needs to be the only dog in the house? Who wants a 12 year old dog, who has to be solo dog and used to live on the streets with her unhoused dad?

Basically.... an old Cattle dog mix with a questionable background? Sure, sign us up! So that's Marilyn's story on how she became the newest Lucky One.

Gabe, we hope that you are resting in peace, knowing that your girl is forever safe with us. We got her from here on out.



