Snoopy’s Memorial


  • From: Baldwin Park, California

  • Adopted: 2019

  • Crossed the Rainbow Bridge: March 16, 2021


We are saddened and broken hearted to announce that Snoopy passed away yesterday, March 16th.

It was a rather normal day. Vince had gone to work and I was home, still recovering from my recent surgery. It had been a while since I took photos of Snoopy's new look, so I took a few photos. With his recent enucleation of his left eye, it now looked like Snoopy had a permanent wink and he was quite cute.

I had a pocketful of dog biscuits. And he kept jumping up at me to get them, so I ended up giving him most of the treats...I'm so glad I did.

After our walk, I put Snoopy in his outdoor pen. But in true Snoopy fashion, he barked at the nearby B Team and donkeys, so I put him back indoors. He was quite the terror with the sheep and always lunged at them, despite living with them for 1.5 years.

Once Vince arrived home, I went to get Snoopy out. He was excitedly barking as usual and then he went quiet. And just like that, Snoopy laid down and passed away. Vince tried to resuscitate Snoopy but it was his time to cross the Rainbow Bridge.

Snoopy's life could have ended at the Baldwin Park shelter in 2019. But we are grateful that with your support, we were able to give him 18 more months.

Snoopy had the best veterinary ophthalmology care for his eyes. Originally, it was a real struggle to get his frequent eye drop medications in both eyes. Eventually, Snoopy learned to trust us and we loved that we had finally tamed our little shark boy.

Along with his eye issues, Snoopy had many incidents with his weenie getting stuck out! After several emergency vet visits, Vince learned how to 'fix' Snoopy. We always had to have a supply of lubricant on hand for Snoopy's wayward willy.

Snoopy only allowed Vince and I to pet him. Any one else who dared pet him, risked getting nipped. But that was ok with us. At 13.5 years old, we let Snoopy be himself and we loved him very much despite his naughtiness.

We were his people and that's all he needed.

Snoopy's Story

Snoopy is a 12 year old cattledog. At 7 months old, he was adopted in Southern California. Twelve years down the road, Snoopy lost his vision and his owner drop him off back at the exact same high-kill shelter. Snoopy still had lots more love to give and life to live... We were fortunate to be able to give him a forever home.




Stevie the Wonder Dog