Teddy’s Memorial


  • From: Sacramento, California

  • Adopted: Aug 30, 2016

  • Crossed the Rainbow Bridge: Apr 24, 2019


My shadow...our Teddy Bear of 2.5 years got his wings and flew over to the Rainbow Bridge yesterday evening. My heart is broken in a million pieces. No amount of time is ever enough.

Teddy was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma in his spleen and liver last month..a day after my hysterectomy. Vince insisted on checking me into a local hotel for a few days so that I could recover. But after getting Teddy's diagnosis, Vince talked the hotel manager into letting Teddy visit me every night.

I'm grateful that I have been on medical leave and I got to spend extra time with him. Yesterday, I took him to get one more acupuncture treatment, in hopes of making him more comfortable. And shortly after we got home, Teddy peacefully passed at the ranch.

On August 26, 2016 - on our 10th wedding anniversary, I happened to see this post about a found senior cattle dog. I could have easily missed the post, but for some reason, I happened to see it and posted a comment. Three days later, Front Street Shelter emailed us and asked if we wanted him. And the next day, I found myself at the shelter and taking him home. I think I told Vince that I was "just looking". Vince was at work and he found out via my Facebook post that we had a new dog.

I had no idea if Teddy got along with other dogs or anything. I just wanted him out of the shelter. I took him back to the ranch and put a leash on him, as I introduced him to everyone. To my amazement, he took it all in, as if he had been on a ranch before. He fit right in.

We tried to figure out his name and called out different names but he did not respond to any of our guesses. So then someone mentioned that he looked like a bear. And that was it..he became "Teddy" and he became my shadow around the ranch. While the other dogs ran around, Teddy was always by my side. He always walked to the right of me, and every three steps, he would make a quick glance up at me.

Teddy was not a lovey-dovey dog. He did not seek out attention and he would grumble when we kissed or loved on him. He just loved being next to me and watching over me.

On his first trip to San Diego with us, he was hesitant to get out for potty breaks. I had to reassure him that we were not going to abandon him.

And when we went out with the family for dinner, we thought he would be okay in a bedroom with Mariah to keep him company. Teddy had been with us for a few months and was fine at home. But two hours later, we returned to the inlaw's home to the bedroom door trim stripped off and scratches on the door. After that, he always went with us and was happy waiting in the car.

So many good memories of this senior boy. I just wish we had more time with him. I miss my shadow. Teddy looked at me and loved me like he had known me his entire life.

We love you, Teddy.

Teddy’s Story

We would like to officially introduce our newest rescue to the ranch, this is 'Teddy'!

He was abandoned in the streets of North Sacramento, ended up at the Front Street Shelter, and now has a forever home with us.

We don't know where he's been, or who had him, but he clearly was someone's dog. He is very mellow, gets along with all our animals (he even tolerates Simon's tail-swatting antics), loves car rides, and has quickly and easily integrated into our pack of dogs and follows us around the ranch like he's been here the whole time.

We tried to figure out his name, but he didn't respond to any our our guesses. Most of our rescues usually come with a name, but all he had was a shelter ID number. So for the past few days, people kept remarking that he looked like a bear. So we finally settled on 'Teddy'. He's sweet, cuddly and loveable. Welcome home Teddy!


Stevie the Wonder Dog


Tommy’s Memorial