Bentley’s Memorial


  • Born: Dec 4, 2006

  • Crossed the Rainbow Bridge: Mar 17, 2024


Bentley, you were an amazing Australian Cattle Dog. Stellar swimmer... you were part shark and part seal. You would swim for an hour and then go on land and demand to play ball for another hour.

We did some agility and even tried doing Flyball. But you bit the poodle in the leg when I told you to go. I meant go do your jumps... not go after the poodle. But that's OK, I didn't care for that poodle either.

I felt like my whole life revolved around trying to wear you out. You tore up Amazon boxes and pumpkins. But only one time you destroyed something inside of the house.

When you were around 2 years old, you dragged a bamboo broom from the garage and through the doggy door. While I was forced to work a 16-hour shift in Dispatch, you entertained yourself by shredding that broom into toothpick-sized pieces. It took me forever to figure out what you destroyed.

You were such a hard-core dog....So strong, so loyal and so smart.

Thank you for the amazing 17 years.

Bentley’s Story

Bentley’s journey with us began in 2007 when fate intervened in the most unexpected way. After saying goodbye to our cherished 18-year-old cat, Nina, we found solace in a drive-thru, of all places. A car in front

of us sported an ‘Australian Cattle Dog’ sticker, a breed we had never heard of before. It felt like a sign from the universe, and we knew the next dog in our lives had to be Bentley. Named after our dear Rottweiler, Benny, Bentley came into our world.

Little did we know, Bentley would introduce us to the incredible world of Cattle Dogs and lead us on a journey of rescue and love. This December, he’ll be turning 17, and he’s our true “OG” of our Cattle Dog family. Every rescue that followed owes their lives to Bentley, and he’s a big deal to us.

In his younger days, he briefly dabbled in flyball and holds the esteemed title of being the ranch’s very first pumpkin demolisher. Bentley loves the water, exploring the shores of the Pacific Ocean from Coronado to Bodega Bay. He used to swim tirelessly for hours, never tiring out. Nowadays, he enjoys leisurely beach strolls and relishes every moment by the water.

At 16.5 years, Bentley receives acupuncture and cold laser therapy to ease his aging joints, but his spirit remains unbroken. Squeaky toys are his joy, and his favorite treats include raw eggs, bananas, and Greek yogurt.

Bentley is the heart and soul of our animal sanctuary, and his legacy of love and resilience continues to inspire us every day. Here’s to many more beachfront sunsets and squeaky toy adventures with our cherished Bentley!




Bocelli aka Bochy