Rocky’s Memorial


  • From: Tucson, Arizona

  • Adopted: July 12, 2019

  • Crossed the Rainbow Bridge: September 17, 2019


** 68 Days **

That's all the time we had with Rocky.

So many mixed feelings that we are overwhelmed by sadness, however we are at peace knowing Rocky had a chance to experience love and kindness with us at the ranch.

Rocky must have wondered who we were. He probably asked himself, “Why are these taking care of me?”

When Rocky’s health began to fail him, we spent countless hours hand feeding him a variety of different foods... We gave him eye drops. We put in eye ointment four times a day and drove him to weekly accupuncture appointments.

Rocky spent 17 years of his life in Tucson, Arizona before he found us. Knowing he probably never smelled the ocean or had sand underneath his paws, we took Rocky on a trip to see and smell the ocean.

We wondered if Rocky thought of us as ‘his people’ even though we weren't with him since day one.

But in the past two weeks, we actually saw Rocky look up at us through the lenses of his goggles. We would like to think that for just that one moment in time we were his people.

This past Tuesday morning was time for Rocky to get to his next destination ...

We put on his space goggles and told him to ask for Teddy when his Rocket landed...

We assured Rocky that there would be many furry Lucky Ones waiting anxiously to welcome him home.

Fly free Rocket Man... we all you...

Rocky’s Story

On July 3rd, 2019, Rocky's was relinquished to the Pima Animal Care Center in Tucson, Arizona and requested that he be euthanized. After 17 years, the family that deserted Rocky told the shelter he had trouble with standing, incontinence, sensitive mouth and was just old. Thankfully, the shelter declined the family's request to euthanize and took in Rocky so that he could have a chance at a new home.

We heard about this boy through social media... and we rescued him and brought to the LOR. Rocky is working out his physical kinks and has a new renewed lease on life with us.



