Honey’s Memorial


  • From: Martinez, California

  • Adopted: 2018

  • Crossed the Rainbow Bridge: Oct 28, 2019


Not all dogs want to love on people and give endless kisses... but that doesn't mean they aren't capable of loving... We rescued Honey from the Martinez Animal Shelter when she was deemed to be unadoptable because of how she interacted with shelter staff. The Lucky Ones Ranch stepped up and gave her a forever home. As Honey's interaction with our volunteers improved, Honey was ultimately adored by many (from afar) and was respected by all of her brother and sister dogs at the Lucky Ones Ranch. If you've ever had a dog like Honey in your life, please consider making a donation to her Memorial. Memorial Funds will help us continue rescuing and bringing love to animals like Honey in need.

In 2018, we took a chance on a 7 year old cattle dog mix. Shelter staff thought she was pregnant because of her pot bellied appearance and they had put a

warning on her cage card, "Use caution! This animal has been aggressive and may bite".

Well it turned out that Honey was not pregnant, she had giardia. And Honey was more scared than aggressive. She's like the character Ouiser Bordeaux with her "I'm pleasant! Damn it!" attitude. Honey is very picky on who she likes and she can be snarky with those who don't give her space. But if you give her time and let her approach you, she can be as sweet as honey.

She's just a crazy, cantankerous dog who always has something to say. And as much as she drives us nuts, we're glad to have taken in such a character... when no one else would have given her a chance. And as you can see, she can be very loving and she doted on baby Baahnana.




Junior’s Memorial