Kovi’s Memorial


  • From: Los Angeles, California

  • Adopted: 2019

  • Crossed the Rainbow Bridge: Jan 27, 2021


If you've followed Kovi throughout her journey with us, you know just how much EVERYONE loved her. Kovi made the trip over the rainbow bridge and is now running free... I'm sure with the other 'Lucky Ones'. We love and miss you.

Kovi's Story

Kovi was dumped Sept 24, 2019 at a noisy and scary Los Angeles animal shelter. By fate, 'Kovi' (the name she had) popped up on our FB feed. At 15 years old, Kovi should have been enjoying her twilight years being loved-on by her family members. But apparently she got "too old" for them and was surrendered at the shelter. I can't imagine how confused and lonely she must have felt. Kovi's name means "Holder of the heel; To follow; May God protect; Held by the heel". Kovi is not the typical type of dog that we tend to rescue, but in some crazy cosmic way, she's IS a 'heeler' and we will give her the love she should've had all along.

We knew that when we rescued her, that her time with us was limited. I asked her to make it through Christmas 2019 and she did. And then to our amazement, she made it to her 16th birthday. She managed to scare us by having a few seizures and she even fell into the dry creek bed a couple of times at our old location. She was quite the adventurous one and we put a bell on her to keep track of her. Shewas completely deaf...or she lead us to believe that...as she definitely did her own thing.

Then she made it through all of the turmoil of losing our home and sanctuary in the fire and being displaced for a few months. We were grateful that she made it through Christmas 2020 and I asked her if she could stick around for her 17th birthday. And she did just that and we had a little birthday celebration with her. We spoiled her with food because at her age, she did not play with toys. Thank you for sending in canned dog and for the monetary donations to help pay for her medical and chiropractic treatments.

Kovi loved walking around the ranch and we will miss hearing her bell. She had begun to show signs of doggy dementia a while ago and would often howl at night and pace incessantly. In the past few nights she grew more restless and walked for hours. I increased her CBD oil to help make her more comfortable and I knew her time was growing shorter with us.

And at 17 years and 9 days, Kovi gained her wings and crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We're heartbroken for losing our Squishy Face but we're grateful that she passed with us and with much love from supporters and not at a high kill shelter from which we rescued her from in October 2019. Because in the end, it's not how long we have them, but how much we love them in the time they're with us.


Junior’s Memorial

